Bibliometrik Sistem Informasi Akuntasi pada UMKM (Analisis Co-Occurance Basis Data Google Schoolar)

Septiyana Nurfadila


One of the most important knowledge resources, especially for MSMEs, is the ability to manage finances. This study aims to be able to produce a bibliometric analysis of accounting system publication trends in MSMEs. Bibliometric analysis studies on accounting systems in MSMEs are still very limited by researchers. The method used to map the accounting system is using Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) mapping with Bibliometric Analysis. Data sources sourced from the Google Scholar database based on searches for the keyword "accounting information systems for MSMEs" published from 2018 to 2022 found as many as 180 documents. From the mapping results, 9 clusters show the relationship between one topic and another, with the dominant colors being blue, purple, red, green and yellow. The keyword with the most frequency is 'MSMEs' (78 events) in the purple cluster, followed by the word 'accounting information system' (76 events) in the yellow cluster. Research bibliometric analysis. The Accounting Information System for MSMEs shows that the topic is still minimally studied, this is evidenced by the results of the VOSviewer visualization which only displays 46 keywords grouped into 9 clusters that show the relationship between one topic and another.


Keywords: Bibliometric, Accounting Information System; MSMEs; Co-occurance;

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